> Water lilies
> Abstract
> Women
> Bruissements charnels
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A sailor ties the anchor of a boat, it is a stable point in order to hold the boat and prevent it from drifting.
During this… chaotic period, I wanted to use the term and what it means to anchor
a sensation, an emotion…
Looking at a flower often gives me a feeling of happiness, peace, thanks to their beauty…
and when I painted these flowers in inks, I wanted to play with the word (in French, anchors = ancres, inks = encres)…
I found them cheerful, sweet, funny, the black ones in chinese ink and yellow heart, or beautiful, and original, warm… the red ones,
but also the turquoise flowers and leaves, gray and chinese ink black, and fushia…
Flowers bring me back to an essential sensation : my pulse of life,
this energy that I feel deep inside… which I learned about when I was a psychiatrist, and taught me so many things about life…
Flowers remind me of my fragility, the ephemeral side of my life, but also the power of
this drive that makes a poppy cross the concrete, which makes my heart turn, and find a precious balance…
A flower is a psychological anchor, it can help us to find emotional stability on this ocean of experiences that are our lives… help us find a foothold in ourselves, and prevent us from drifting…
The memory of a beloved landscape, a voice… can become an anchor…
and comfort us on our way…
Finding our personal axis, by these simple means : the beauty, the joy brought by this offered beauty, a flower that has the audacity to refine every detail of its beauty and radiance… I am fascinated by pistils, stamens, petals… velvet, silk…
Harmony of colors, a touch of perfection in a small living being…
I am sensitive to the strength of flowers.
This strength that makes them pass the tiniest flaw in concrete.
One can almost hear the rustle of this strength…
A joyous strength, sparkling like fire works…
That’s why my bouquets and flowers invade the frame of the painting, sometimes overflowing and exploding like a life pulse.
BIG BANG, Bruissements Charnels
I love painting explosive bouquets, so I called them: «Big Bang»… In life, each bouquet is a unique work of art, an explosion of beauty. I like to revisit this theme of the bouquets, explored for hundreds of years by many painters, famous or not.
An exercise in style that allows me to translate what I feel, painted with knives of different sizes, to give this impression of dynamics and transmit the power of flowers, and rather abstract, not botanical, to give full place to their life drive, and bright colors, a vibrant palette… colors of nature…
I have been fascinated for a long time by this little flower that grows in concrete, vivacity, tenacity, intensity in a very small thing… So-called fragile…
They put all their energy for a few days of existence, and all the subtlety of creation of their beauty… harmony of colors, velvet sensation of petals, pistils often perfect, sometimes decadent…
with incredible shapes, every flower plays its part, and its life depends on it… Its exhaled perfume inebriates…
Though very small they participate in the ecosystem of life… Bees forage… They are beautiful, they give, they offer… They shine with an energy of love, and joy, vital.
I often think they have more wisdom than we humans do:
Does a tulip envy a rose, or a peony a poppy…
They are all beautiful. This idea has often helped me to progress, on my way. Keeping my course… and growing and living because the most important is Being…
Our existence is ephemeral, also, do we have this consciousness of Being, of living to realize ourselves and to realize? We are often cut off from the inner Source: love and joy do not always nourish us. As opposed to flowers, (but who knows???…) we have the awareness of the end of our life, not eternal,… and it gives us a life impulse, an intensity, to give the best of ourselves, to explore… inside.
We are a flower unaware of itself!!! 🙂
a luminous Being deep in our hearts…
The artist is confronted with a paradox:
– tell a story through the artifice of a painting
– create life and emotion.
I like to take up the theme of flowers and bouquets, stripping them from the illusory backgrounds and natural elements of the traditional still life.
Express and affirm a life drive in a work created by «throwing» it on the canvas in my artist’s workshop universe: stains, drops… dynamic knife work, or a paint run…
The idea is to achieve this small miracle proper to artists: create artifice in beauty, express the beauty of emotion…
One could parody the title of a painting by Magritte… «this is not a flower»… and yet…
Cluster, ear, umbel, capitulum, cyme, thyrse, botryoïde, cicinnus, dichasoïde, anthèle, pollen cone, sycone… involucre, involucelle… this simple enumeration… already a poem in itself… mixture of known and unknown words, expected and unexpected tones…
We lose our marks, we think we can hold on, and yet it escapes us, we believe to be lost and we find ourselves…
I have planted Agapanthuses in my garden and I adored contemplating them, all summer long… and to paint them… I like the subtle colors, the dark purple blue…
This “flower of Love” (as it was called in ancient Greece) as a firework of stalks, blooms in graceful inflorescences, in umbels.
In flor an’ sense…. in flor essence…
An elegant figure… I create and enjoy myself, I play with this figurative art.
I was having a nap under a poinciana in Miami when the idea came to me to create an exhibition to be looked at lying down… and to find one self in a Florida atmoshpere… a festival of colors… flamboyant… warm… a real ray of sun shine… The temperature rises and warms our hearts…
Summer lights, joy of life, and beauty of the trees, and flowers… I was sensitive to the luxuriance of those red, orange and pink flower bouquets… an abundance of beautiful flowers, exotic and lively colored.
A small gift, bright and very much alive.
Technique : framing chosen to create the feeling that we are under a tree. Paintings made folding the canvas, matter effects created with knives and brushes… Water colored acrylic, or superpositioned layers…
> Water lilies
> Abstract
> Women
> Bruissements charnels
More about this painting
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