Anchors 33

Colored inks on paper
70 x 50 cm
290€ – Framed

A sailor ties the anchor of a boat, it is a stable point in order to hold the boat and prevent it from drifting.

During this… chaotic period, I wanted to use the term and what it means to anchor
a sensation, an emotion…
Looking at a flower often gives me a feeling of happiness, peace, thanks to their beauty…
and when I painted these flowers in inks, I wanted to play with the word (in French, anchors = ancres, inks = encres)…

I found them cheerful, sweet, funny, the black ones in chinese ink and yellow heart, or beautiful, and original, warm… the red ones,
but also the turquoise flowers and leaves, gray and chinese ink black, and fushia…

Flowers bring me back to an essential sensation : my pulse of life,
this energy that I feel deep inside… which I learned about when I was a psychiatrist, and taught me so many things about life…
Flowers remind me of my fragility, the ephemeral side of my life, but also the power of
this drive that makes a poppy cross the concrete, which makes my heart turn, and find a precious balance…

A flower is a psychological anchor, it can help us to find emotional stability on this ocean of experiences that are our lives… help us find a foothold in ourselves, and prevent us from drifting…
The memory of a beloved landscape, a voice… can become an anchor…
and comfort us on our way…
Finding our personal axis, by these simple means : the beauty, the joy brought by this offered beauty, a flower that has the audacity to refine every detail of its beauty and radiance… I am fascinated by pistils, stamens, petals… velvet, silk…
Harmony of colors, a touch of perfection in a small living being…
