Exotic dream 13

Acrylic on linen canvas
100 cm x 100 cm
Quotation price : 3000€ – contact the artist

Video : Exotic dream : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lRbhSu3H_8

“I often have this strange and penetrating dream…” of a world full of love, peace and harmony…
This new series of paintings represents for me a kind of dreamlike journey, a shift in time, in space…

It seems to me that I enter into a dream, thanks to these flowers, exotic, which remind me of the Chinese orange tree in my garden, and transports me far away…
I almost smell the scent of the Tiare, a mixture of vanilla and jasmine, a mixture of the frangipani and the Ixora…

The essence of things…
Games of shapes, and colors, different techniques, a background in pouring, fluid paintings, and flowers with knife… these different techniques bring a dynamic and a strangeness to this simple landscape, natural…

These works take root in this imaginary beyond the framework of reality.
Everything merges, juxtaposes… what element does this colorful background evoke ?
More perspective, we enter a new world, a new vision… it is both exotic and reassuring, strange and familiar, these flowers are the key to this little journey in the imagination…
A figurative key that reassures, beautiful and radiant with this background that one feels bubbling with life, which can seem disturbing by its strangeness.
For some it’s water, for others it’s foliage… flowers, sparkling bubbles of life… which gives it a little dreamlike touch.
Life is in full swing in these paintings…
During my last opening, I had the pleasure of seeing and hearing the comments… my desire to rejoice the heart and eyes was fulfilled…
I thank those who let themselves be moved.

Available in Burgundy
Exhibition hall “Le 2” – 2 route de Lichères, 89310 Sainte vertu
